ICNo | Collection | Species | Other Identity | Cultivar Name | Location |
IC287849 | 28 Oct 1980 | Sorghum bicolor | IS 22025 | - | Srinagar |
IC289810 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS 6006 | - | Jammu |
IC289811 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS 6007 | - | Jammu |
IC289812 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS 6009 | - | Jammu |
IC286988 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS 6008 | - | Jammu |
IC286986 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS 6004 | - | Jammu |
IC286987 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS 6005 | - | Jammu |
IC286989 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS 6011 | - | Jammu |
IC409557 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS6010 | Red chari | Jammu |
IC291050 | | Sorghum bicolor | IS 1360 | - | Mirpur |
IC638559 | 07 Sep 2020 | Sorghum arundinaceum | | | Anantnag |
ICNo | Collection | Species | Other Identity | Cultivar Name | Location |
Developed under ICAR National Fellow Project
Copyright © 2015 All Rights Resereved, ICAR National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture (Govt. of India), Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012, INDIA